March Break is coming up for public school students in Quebec and the Town of Brownsburg-Chatham is organizing a series of activities and events for children and adults alike to enjoy. The events will take place at locations across the town’s territory from February 28 to March 6. Here is the list of events and activities: 

  • An afternoon at the skating path and hockey for ages six to 12 on February 28 at la Parc de la Nature 
  • Cooking for ages six to 12, cupcakes and fruit brochettes at the Centre communautaire Louis-Renaud on March 1 
  • Learn the Huron legend Kukum, la grand-mère Lune at Centre La Randonnée on March 2 
  • A writing collective for ages six to 12 offered by La Branche culturelle on March 3 
  • Food truck and DJ providing music for an evening of skating at the municipal campground from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on March 4 
  • Boot hockey tournament at the Pine Hill skating rink on March 5 and 6. Food and beverages provided 
  • Activities at Parc Roland-Cadieux including pony rides, snow soccer, food and beverages on March 6 

Space is limited for some events and registration is required. For information on how to register, go to .