If you haven’t set a new year’s resolution for yourself, or if your first one is already a faded memory, here’s one to consider: read more. Not every day, not a set number of books, just more. That’s an attainable goal, made easier by the fact you’ll have a library in your pocket. Just download the Libby app.

The next time you’re on lunch break or sitting on the couch scrolling, open Libby instead. Read an article in a magazine or a chapter of a book instead. You’ll feel better.

If you can’t see yourself reading on a screen, try an audiobook! You can listen while doing the dishes, commuting or before bed. Libby even has a built-in sleep timer. Mundane activities can become a chance to learn or a thrilling escape from reality.

Libby is free if you’re a member of the Champlain Library and, if you live in Champlain, becoming a member of the library is also free. All you have to do is fill out this form. Libby also has a brand new newsletter that you can sign up for here. They’ll send book picks and tips & tricks right to your inbox to keep you motivated.

We hope this is the year you find your new favorite book. Happy Reading!

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