Lines from one of my favourite songs. Happy New Year Everyone!

“Time rolls by, the clock don’t stop
I wish I had a few more drops
Of the good stuff, the good times
Oh, but they just keep on flyin’
Right on by, like it ain’t nothin’
I wish I had me a, a pause button
Moments like those, Lord knows I’d hit it
And give myself five more minutes”

Scotty McCreery – Five More Minutes

It’s hard to believe yet another year has flown by. As I sit and reflect on the year past, and look ahead to January, I can’t help but wish for five more minutes of every moment that has made me smile, cry or simply filled my heart with so much joy it could burst. There have been many moments where I wish I could erase five minutes, or more, but if we were able to do that, what would be the point in moving forward, growing and embracing all the next five minutes we are given.

For many people, January is a month to reset; a reason to set new goals, whether they be the annual weight loss and healthy habit goals, or perhaps some more deeper ones, such as working out kinks in your relationships, career changes, or maybe simply planning a much-needed family vacation. We all jump into the New Year with different plans for ourselves, but we give ourselves something to look forward to and focus on achieving. January and February have proven to be some of the most challenging months for my family; more than once over the last 13+ years. This last week, I’ve sat with my thoughts and often wondered how I still get so excited for the start of a new year, for the excitement of change and new adventures. I continue to be excited to see what the New Year will have in store for us, and grateful to be staring down the barrel of another year of adventure. I’ve asked myself, why do I not dread the month of January? January/February’s past have proven to have brought so much sorrow into our lives, why am I not constantly wishing for five more minutes of the current year?

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The answer comes from those moments of my heart being filled with joy, moments when a smile spreads across my face for so long that my cheeks begin to hurt. Moments spent with family, which I am so lucky to continually be able to get together with to share in ancient old family traditions, but also as our families continue to grow, adjust and create new traditions. We are so fortunate to have so many friends, whom we may not see as much as we’d like to during the year because life is just crazy, but we always make up for it during the holidays. Our beautiful blue-eyed little farmer who continues to surprise us with never-ending change and laughter as he has grown into a school-aged little gentleman. In the hustle and bustle of a new job, new routines and just the chaos of life, I was beginning to lose sight of the truly important moments that make this life we live, beautiful. We could choose to get lost in our sorrow, to fear for the future, to ask to pause time so we don’t risk any more heartbreak, but would we truly be living if we did that?

So many people who I know and care about deeply have faced so much sorrow and hardship this year. I truly hope they were all able to slow down this Christmas holiday and take a moment to feel all the raw emotions, each and every memory that came flushing in would have brought. It’s not easy facing a holiday, especially Christmas, for the first time after the loss of a loved one. Every little magic of the season seems to bring back a memory long forgotten but never truly lost. The resurfacing of a memory that may bring tears, is a moment we should be asking for five more minutes. An extra chance to remember, love and cherish even the simplest of memories. Find the positive in your struggles and heartbreaks and be grateful for even the smallest of wins.

I ask for just five more minutes this New Year’s, not because I’m afraid of what hardships are in store for the future, but because I want to soak in every wonderful moment that has reminded me of what the beauty of truly living is. Every day on this earth is a blessing and I hope you all start the New Year off ready to face whatever gets thrown at you with strength and confidence. If you wish for five more minutes, let it be because you want to hold on to a moment just a little longer, not because you want to avoid what may come next.

Another set of lyrics from Cody Johnson’s “T’il You Can’t” are more words I’ve come to live by and appreciate:

“If you got a chance, take it, take it while you got a chance
If you got a dream, chase it, ’cause a dream won’t chase you back”