To the Editor:

Champlain Township has sent out to each household, I gather, a highly colourful, thick flyer, that shows garbage schedules, special garbage handling, and which direction your garbage container handles should be facing.

With all the colour print in the flier, the costs of this garbage information must be extremely high. Not counting the hours and labor spent on getting it together and the numerous meetings to approve the flyer details, etc. The info, layout, color choices, the number of colors needed in the printing, would potentially never be considered in the private sector.

But in Champlain it is taxpayers dollars who are paying. Champlain in living colour for 2023.

This info should be on the Champlain website and could have been printed at a less of an expense had some discipline been exercised. But these flyers do stand out in the waste bins in front of the post offices and in recycling boxes. Champlain in glorious colour for 2023.

Richard Charest

Vankleek Hill