It was a groundbreaking day in Limoges on October 4, when the official construction ground-breaking was held for the new sports complex beside École élémentaire catholique St-Viateur.

The new facility is scheduled to be complete at the end of 2022. It will include a multi-sport indoor recreation center with large soccer field spaces, a two-thirds FIFA field, a walking track, and a community center that can accommodate 150 people.

The facility is being developed by The Nation Municipality in partnership with the Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO). 

“The start of work on this sports complex is an important step for the population of Limoges and the surrounding area,” said CSDCEO Chair François Bazinet.  

The facility is being constructed while the CSDCEO is experiencing growing enrollment, and Limoges is experiencing a growing population.  

On August 30, The Nation council selected McDonald Brothers Construction of Carp to build the sports complex, at a cost of $12,415,000. The construction budget for the facility is $15,233,506.  The municipality has applied for a $750,000 federal grant for the project and fundraising efforts are also taking place in the community.