The service quality and complaints commissioner (commissaire aux plaintes et à la qualité des services  –CPQS) for the CISSS des Laurentides regional health authority is welcoming a new law in Québec that will expand complaint investigations to private long-term care and residential facilities.

According to commissioner Marie-Josée Boulianne, the act to strengthen the complaint examination system of the health and social services network takes effect on June 1.

“This new law brings about several beneficial changes for vulnerable clienteles receiving of the services of private establishments in our territory, said Boulianne.

As of June 1, the CISSS des Laurentides will have to establish the procedure for examining complaints that apply to both public and private establishments in its territory, involving the CPQS and the medical examiner.

For more information on how to send a complaint or report to the commissioner and about the quality of CISSS des Laurentides services, go to:  .