Every year, for over 50 years now, several local children have been following in the footsteps of their predecessors by presenting a live crèche, or nativity scene, on Christmas Eve at the Saint-Grégoire Parish.

Mass this year was celebrated by Parish Priest Father Albert Kaumba, seconded by Deacon Michel Miner and alter servants Danika Lapensée and Annie Burton.

Mary (Marie-Ève Tweed) and Joseph (Gabriel Lacelle) were delighted to have baby Tyler, 8 weeks old son of Jessica Lacombe and John Proulx, quietly play the role of baby Jesus.

Completing the cast of actors was angel Cassandra Gauthier while the roles of the eleven shepherds tending their flocks were held by Élise Boileau and Annie-France Tweed (front row) Samuelle Houle, Antoine Lacelle, Amélie Séguin, Marc-Antoine Tweed, Gabryel Gaumond, Philippe Viau and Marisol Séguin. Ève and Anna Boileau were absent when the picture was taken as was Angel Cassandra Gauthier . The Pastoral committee wishes to thank the parents, grandparents and volunteers who took this tradition to heart and brought the children to the rehearsal.