People from all over the region gathered in St-Bernardin on Sunday, May 26 for a Walk to make Cystic Fibrosis History.

Organized by the six parishes of the Soleil Levant pastoral group, an outdoor Mass was held and then participants walked from the St-Bernardin de Sienne churchyard in the village for three kilometres south along County Road 22 to the Caledonia Community Centre for a pancake brunch.

Students from École secondaire catholique régionale de Hawkesbury also supported the walk and some participated. Students at the school raised $4,000 for research and patient assistance through Cystic Fibrosis Canada.

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease affecting the digestive system and lungs.

The Walk to make Cystic Fibrosis history on May 26 in St-Bernardin. Photo: James Morgan