The St-Isidore Arena building has partially reopened to public use, but with limited access.

A small fire occurred at the facility during the afternoon of Tuesday, September 12.

The Nation Municipality Recreation Director Carol Ann Scott said the fire started when a light fixture on a wall exploded.

On Tuesday, September 18, the municipality announced the arena had reopened, but for ice rink use only.

The second floor of the building, including the Sports Bar, remains closed until further notice.

The fire alarm system in the building is not working. In case of fire, users are to call 911. The PA system in the building will be used to notify people if there is a fire. The security system alarm is still working.

Part of the lobby is closed due to fire and water damage. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to enter the closed area. Only the east doors may be used to access the lobby.

Shinny hockey and public skating is resuming at the St-Isidore Arena. For the complete schedule, go to