A new program in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge is designed to help property owners who want to improve the look of their property and community.

Council approved establishing the Rénofaçade program on March 9.  The program offers a subsidy of 50 per cent, to a maximum of $1,000, to property owners who want to improve the appearance of the front of their buildings in Calumet and Pointe-au-Chêne.

The municipality is hoping the program will act as incentive to create a more attractive appearance in Grenville-sur-la Rouge’s urban areas.

“It will change the face of the municipality,” said Grenville-sur-la-Rouge Director-General Marc Beaulieu.

Each Rénofaçade request may be submitted by the property owner to the municipality.  It will then be reviewed by a committee to decide if the subsidy should be granted.

In order to be eligible, buildings must meet all existing municipal and provincial regulations, and there must not be any unpaid taxes owed on the property.  All municipal and provincial building permit, zoning, and planning procedures must be followed.

Beaulieu said the Rénofaçade program accompanies another municipal project to repair the street and upgrade the water system, along Rue Principale in Calumet.

The program is completely funded by the municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge and does not receive any funding from other levels of government.

Rénofaçade applications must be submitted to the municipality by June 30.  For more information, call 819-242-8762 or email [email protected] .