Québec’s health and social services department has again increased the eligibility for people to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

Residents aged 70 and greater (born in 1951 and before), may now make an appointment to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Availability of vaccines is limited, and vaccination among the population takes place in steps. Although vaccination takes place by age group, it is still possible for people older than 70 to make an appointment to be vaccinated.

As of March 9, at 4 p.m., 26,674 appointments had been assigned in the Laurentides region of Québec, according to the CISSS des Laurentides health authority.

Visiting the Québec.ca/vaccinCOVID website is the easiest and fastest way to make an appointment and follow the progress of the vaccination campaign by region. Those who do not have Internet access or who have difficulty using it, can dial 1 866 495-5833 to receive support. If necessary, relatives are encouraged to offer support to their elderly family members for making an appointment online.

People who are not in the priority group being vaccinated in their area should avoid making phone calls, using the website, or showing up expecting to be vaccinated. Each group will be informed of the appointment opportunity for them at the appropriate time.