During regular monitoring of the Glengarry Sports Palace’s refrigeration plant, staff noted an issue with part of the cooling system. Upon inspection by the maintenance contractor, it was revealed that the roof-top condenser had a pinhole leak. A plan was put in place to weld the pinhole but once initiated led to the discovery that welding would not resolve the issue. In order to ensure that the refrigeration plant is operating at its optimal capacity and respects all of the federal, provincial, and municipal safety measures, the decision was made to replace the unit itself.

This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Maxville & District Sports Complex was temporarily converted to a multi-sports pad which has been extremely well used by the surrounding population. Luckily, the Maxville & District Sports Complex’ refrigeration plant was equipped with a new, identically-sized condenser only two ice seasons ago. The decision was made to borrow the condenser from the Maxville Complex and install it at the Glengarry Sports Palace which will allow users to finish out the fall 2020 / winter 2021 ice season at this facility with the least amount of disruption. The Glengarry Sports Palace should reopen to users on Friday, December 11.

At the end of the season, the Maxville & District Sports Complex refrigeration plant will be brought back to working order as it will be the home to North Glengarry’s ice users for the fall 2021 / winter 2022 season. This is the period of time during which the planned reconstruction of the Glengarry Sports Palace’s cement arena slab will be occurring. This planned project was approved by the Township of North Glengarry’s Council in August 2019 when staff requested permission to apply to the ICIP: Community, Culture and Recreation Stream – Rehabilitation and Renovation Intake for this repair work. Even though the response from this grant application is only expected in the late spring or early summer of 2021, Council has committed to the cement slab replacement at the Glengarry Sports Palace as part of its 2020 Capital Projects with $250,000 in reserves towards this endeavour. The slab replacement is scheduled to be completed in time for the fall 2022 / winter 2023 ice season.