Business Sisters / Consœurs en Affaires is delighted to announce the launch of an innovative bilingual social enterprise serving the needs of rural business owners.

Co-founder Doreen Ashton Wagner explains the reason behind the organization: “As an entrepreneur for over 20 years I found women often feel isolated, working really hard but not connecting with other business owners. So in 2018 I started organizing an annual conference. With the pandemic the need grew as women juggle family demands, public health rules and financial stress and trying to overcome barriers like poor internet access.”

A key goal of Business Sisters / Consœurs en Affaires is to increase relations between Francophone and Anglophone entrepreneurs. “As we rebuild and focus on the local economy, there are many opportunities to collaborate!” says Ashton Wagner.

Anyone can join for free by signing up at Online networking events are offered in both languages. More online workshops and peer-to-peer learning are in the works until larger in-person events can resume.

For more information contact [email protected] .