To The Editor,

It’s funny. Whenever I start to write something for The Review, I always have the same CD playing. It was a gift from someone when I was on the road protesting two years ago. I think it’s something by “Stampeding Turtles”. It just seems to fit the mood.

I had a visit from Louise Sproule earlier today. She asked me what I thought about while I stood out in the cold. It’s always something different, yet always just the same. This week it was the thought of how lucky we are by having our local papers like The Review, The Glengarry News, The Carillon, The Tribune, when so many other small towns have lost theirs.

These papers that are so vital to the very fabric of life in a small town. Apart from births and deaths, or who just turned 70, or local businesses having a chance to advertise to the very people they deal with — all that is fine, but what’s really special is the truth being put into print about political, agricultural and local events that affect us all.

Think about it. The corporate world is responsible for the loss of hundreds of small newspapers over the years, and it seems with the blessing of our government, that way they will have control of what we read about, what we hear about and when we hear about it.

Fake news is flooding our high-tech world and so much of it is leaving us brain-dead over issues that should be important to us, which is what the powers that be really want.

If you think that subliminal suggestion isn’t being used, then you’re just plain stupid. The corporate world, by using it, is making a gazillion million billion dollars. It might be illegal and unethical to use it, but only if you get caught. Think about that while you’re watching your smart TV, which is watching you.

I think when I drop this letter off at The Review this afternoon, I’m going to sign up for a subscription. It will be my first one, because I’d hate to lose the chance of having something tangible of paper and print in my hands put together by hard-working devoted employees who treat us to truth and honesty in a world that ain’t so.

Andy Perreault,

Vankleek Hill