To The Editor,
The time has come to dig deeper into the environmental concerns of the cement plant.
Studies and stats used to show the negative side of the project are in many cases outdated. No concern for looking into the rules in existence today that would be imposed on such a project regardless of where it is to be built in Canada.
Concerns regarding property values  seem to be at the top of the list using all kinds of sidebars to get the message across.
The environmental concerns are not as great as the use of innuendoes.
Regarding property values, outright refusing again and again  potential economic development, as seems to be the trend in this area, may have a greater negative impact as the area could be classed as unwelcoming to potential developers, this to a greater geographical area than those neighboring the proposed plant.
Drops in property values  without new incomes can only lead to a greater tax rate just to maintain what is already in place. Greater taxation rates means larger tax bills again diminishing the group of potential future buyers and new residents.
Individuals must research based on today’s environmental rules, laws and regulations and the fines and potential closure of any plant not abiding by the rules. This is designed to be a deterrent to polluters and industries ensure they do not  open themselves up to fines and closures.
Scare tactics work in getting people upset. Refusing economic development on possible scare tactics and innuendoes is not constructive for any other and future development.

Richard Charest
Vankleek Hill