Music on a front porch is perfect in the summer, and a whole festival involving it is happening in Vankleek Hill on Saturday, July 13. Porchfest is back and will bring the community an afternoon of great music from the porches of various houses in Vankleek Hill.

The organization and presentation of Porchfest has changed. It is now a project of the Vankleek Hill Live Music Co-Op, which was formed to not only organize Porchfest, but also to bring live music to Vankleek Hill year-round.

“That’s the big change this year,” said Steve Beauchesne of the co-op.

He said a few friends and himself decided to form the co-op as a way of consistently bringing live music to town in a way that is financially sustainable. He said some musicians have been reluctant to perform in Vankleek Hill in the past because smaller communities do not always have the crowds and revenue to make the trip worthwhile.

The cooperative arrangement is meant to ensure participating musicians and organizers alike are properly compensated.

Beauchesne said 20 bands have already confirmed they will play at Porchfest 2024 and another 10 bands are being finalized.

“I think we’re doing pretty good,” Beauchesne remarked.

So far, 12 porches at houses around Vankleek Hill have been confirmed as Porchfest stages.

As in previous years, Porchfest’s emphasis will be on singer-songwriters, celtic, folk, rock, and country music.

“We’re trying to have a nice mix,” Beauchesne commented.

The Vankleek Hill Live Music Co-Op also plans to use Porchfest as a way of raising funds for its future events and activities. Donations will be collected at the various porches on July 13 to assist with bringing bands to Vankleek Hill and for the current effort to register the co-op officially as a not-for-profit organization.

“Every dollar people donate will go into bringing great bands into town,” Beauchesne said.

The official lineup of Vankleek Hill Porchfest 2024 will be announced soon. Check for details.