The Vankleek Hill Business and Merchant Association (BMA) will be operating a tourist info centre from a small shop location located in the front portion of the Windsor Tavern location for the months of July and August, thanks to funding from Canada Summer Jobs and support from Champlain Township.

Two students are being hired for the summer, says co-chair of the BMA, Philippe Fortin.

“We are expanding our efforts to market the businesses in our communities in tandem with the launch of our new website,” Fortin said.
One of the students will focus on digital marketing, visiting local businesses to promote them locally and beyond, while the other student’s responsibilities will focus on the tourist info/welcoming centre for out-of-town visitors or for new residents wanting to learn more about their community.

“We are really happy with our central location and looking forward to new initiatives,” says Fortin. The BMA is also working hard to collaborate and bring new events and new visitors to town this season, as well as preparing a guest speaker series to offer information and one-on-one contact with experts in business financing, sales, HR and much more, as part of each open meeting.
In addition, a task force is at work to ensure that new businesses have a go-to resource, as well as access to friendly support from existing businesses.

Initiatives such as an open house, job fair and more are being worked on to ensure that there is full support for the many businesses located in the Vankleek Hill Business Park.

“We are moving forward on a lot of fronts this year,” said Fortin, thanks to tremendous volunteer support.

Students interested in an eight-week work placement can send their resumes to: [email protected]
Full job information is posted on The Review website under Job Listings.