Every year one of the Canadian’s largest coffee chains supports young in their respective communities by founding day camps for less fortunate kids. This year, three young girls from Grenville-sur-la-Rouge decided to do their own part to help other kids enjoy some summer camps.

After a school activity which consisted in finding sponsorship for their end of the year camp day, twins Alicia and Kiana Malette (Grade 6) and Katherina Giroux, in Grade 5, realized how kids’ activities are expansive and that people are generous. Then came their own project: they were going to help kids from low-income homes to afford attending a summer camp through the Tim Horton’s Foundation Camps.

Going door to door and from house to house the trio set with a $50 goal. Before long, with the neighbors’, local businesses and the municipality’s generosity the goal was reached and even exceeded: 121.65$ was given to the Tim Horton’s Foundation Camps by Katherina, Kiana and Alicia.

How did the girls felt about their gesture? “We felt very useful helping others.” They realized that there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.

The trio already has plans to repeat the initiative next year with a higher goal — always with the objective to help less fortunate kids in the community. Text by S.Lauwers