Champlain Library Book Review: Everyone Here is Lying by Shari Lapena

I absolutely devoured this suspense novel. It opens with the affair of William, a father who otherwise seems to be a true family man. Emotions explode when William encounters his difficult nine-year-old daughter upon arriving home. Readers quickly develop a deep sense of pity for the young girl. Hours later, she is reported missing—every parent’s nightmare begins to unfold.

I found myself tearing through the pages, desperate to uncover what happened, who was lying, and who was telling the truth. In small towns, secrets are hard to keep, and sooner or later, they will be revealed. This book makes you contemplate the kinds of scandals that might be happening around us in our own lives.

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Shari Lapena is a very successful suspense/thriller novelist, and we have many of her works in our collection. Her most famous title is The Couple Next Door. She is also a Canadian author. If you enjoy books that keep you turning pages late into the night, her novels are for you!


Library Tip: Many of your favourite shows are based on books! The upcoming series, Lady in the Lake is adapted from the book of the same title by Laura Lippman. Why not read it first? We have copies in English, French, and as an audiobook.