Dear Editor,

Where to begin: I am outraged!!! Or, what is wrong with people??? Either will do. Both will do.

I spent most of Sunday in the ER waiting room at Hawkesbury General. While that may be grounds for outrage, that is not what sent me over the edge. No. What tipped the scale was the fact that, despite very clear signage, everyone ignored that masks are mandatory.

Babies and kids, parents, grandparents – all unmasked. People hacking and coughing, spreading germs everywhere – all unmasked. What is wrong with people?

It has to be said, the hospital itself is partly to blame. At the main entrance, a sign says “We are mask-friendly” and describes that as meaning masks are not mandatory. But this is certainly not the case in the ER where signs clearly say wear a mask and provide an endless supply.

Oh I can hear the F-Trudeau crowd screaming and yelling about freedom …. But how about responsibility to everyone around you? In the hospital! In the ER waiting room! For Heaven’s sake!

What is wrong with people?!?


Ian Hepburn