The cost of building a new fire station in Brownsburg-Chatham has increased, and a municipal road project is being delayed.

On May 7, a notice of motion of a regulation was introduced to council increasing the expenditure for the new Brownsburg fire station to $7,049,350. The cost had originally been projected to be $5,058,250 in 2023.

Director-General Jean-François Brunet said the increase is due to higher costs for construction design resulting from the design study process.

Mayor Kévin Maurice said 73 per cent of the project will still be funded by the Québec government. He said building the new fire station in Brownsburg is a wise strategic decision and still called building the new station a good strategic decision.

Council will still have to adopt or reject the regulation to spend more on the new fire station at a future meeting.

A notice of motion was also received by council on May 7 for a regulation to reduce the anticipated expenses of upgrading Chemin de la carrière by $449,635. Maurice said the reason for the reduction is unfortunately because some of the work will have to be delayed to phase two of the project.

A notice of motion and regulation was introduced to council at the May 7 meeting which, if adopted, would allow for $1,147,330 to be spent on street construction in the new Domaine Cadieux subdivision.