A Hawkesbury councillor remains frustrated with heavy trucks using streets they are not permitted to use.

“We have a problem with heavy trucks in the eastern direction,” Yves Paquette said at the Monday, May 13 council meeting.

Paquette said heavy trucks continue to use Main Street East between John Street downtown and Tupper Street as a connection between the Long Sault Bridge and County Road 17.

Municipal by-law officers do not have the authority to stop trucks or issue fines.

Councillor Julie Séguin said the problem also exists to an extent on Cartier Boulevard, which connects Spence Avenue to the downtown area.

Councillor Jeanne Charlebois wondered why trucks could not instead use Spence Avenue as it is near where most of the industries are located.

Director of Public Works Jonathan Wilson explained the official, designed truck route between County Road 17 and the Long Sault Bridge is McGill Street and Le Chenail Boulevard.

Charlebois said one of the reasons Boulevard Le Chenail exists is to accommodate heavy trucks.

Chief Administrative Officer Samuel Cardarelli said “We need to start thinking outside the box,” for coming up with solutions to the problem and working with the province on enforcement.

Mayor Robert Lefebvre and Wilson said they can work in partnership with the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), and the Ministry of Transportation’s enforcement branch in addition to raising the issue with provincial government representatives.