As a safe space for all, the Champlain Library has curated a selection of books reflecting diverse 2SLGBTQI+ voices. From joyous celebrations to poignant explorations, these stories embrace the richness of human experiences. Join us in embracing diversity and inclusion through literature and in our community.

Our Wives Under the Sea, Julia Armfield – Miri’s struggles to understand and cope with her wife Leah’s mysterious transformation after a submarine expedition leaves her distant and changed.

Lucky Red, Claudia Cravens – In 1877, sixteen-year-old orphan Bridget, after a disillusioning journey across the Kansas prairie, finds a sense of belonging and friendship at the Buffalo Queen brothel in Dodge City, but her quest for autonomy and love with female gunfighter Spartan Lee threatens the fragile safety of her new life.

Nightcrawling, Leila Mottley – Kiara Johnson, struggles to support her brother and a neglected neighbor in a rundown Oakland apartment, but her desperate turn to nightcrawling pulls her into a police scandal, exposing her to unforeseen dangers and revealing her raw resilience and vulnerability.

Pageboy, Elliot Page – Canadian actor/director/producer Elliot Page shares his journey of self-discovery and resilience as he navigates the challenges of embracing his true identity as a transgender man.

The House of Hidden Meanings, RuPaul – An international drag superstar and pop culture icon shares a deeply intimate memoir about growing up black, poor, and queer in a broken home, discovering the power of performance, finding family, and self-acceptance.

The Prophets, Robert Jones, Jr – The story of Isaiah and Samuel, whose deep bond and love provide a refuge from the brutality of slavery, but faces peril when an older slave’s preaching incites others to view their relationship as a threat to the plantation’s order.

The Guncle, Steven Rowley – A warm and deeply funny novel about a former gay sitcom star who must care for his niece and nephew for the summer after an unexpected family tragedy.

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The House in the Cerulean Sea, TJ Klune – An enchanting tale about Linus Baker, a solitary caseworker for magical youth, who is sent to assess a mysterious island orphanage housing six dangerous children and discovers an unexpected family while uncovering long-held secrets that force him to choose between duty and love.

She Who Became the Sun, Shelley Parker-Chan – In this bold and lyrical reimagining of the rise of the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, a clever girl in 1345 China assumes her dead brother’s identity and fate of greatness, navigating harsh Mongol rule and a life of subterfuge to claim her destiny.

Untamed, Glennon Doyle – A memoir and galvanizing wake-up call that explores the restrictive expectations placed on women and how embracing one’s true self leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life.