Advertise in The Review Newspaper


Advertise in The Review Newspaper to grow your business! Our newspaper is a great way for small local businesses to connect with potential customers.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with customers and grow your business.
Contact us today to place your ad and take the first step towards success.

SKU: RevAd-Newspaper Category:

Are you a small business looking to increase your visibility and reach more customers?
Look no further than The Review newspaper!

As a trusted and community-focused weekly newspaper, our print edition is published every second and fourth week of the month, and our e-paper edition is available every week.
Our advertising package includes placement in both our print and e-paper editions, giving your ad maximum exposure to our engaged audience.

Advertise in The Review Newspaper Today!
Not only do we have a strong commitment to promoting the importance of shopping local and supporting small businesses, but we also have a dedicated and engaged audience who are eager to support their community.

By placing an ad with us, you can tap into this community and reach thousands of potential customers who are interested in supporting local businesses like yours.

Choose your size:

Hub:  size 2.25” w x 2.25” h
Hub (x2): size  2.25” w x 4.5” h
1/16 page: size 2.3”w X 3” h
1/8 page: size 4.75” w x 3” h
1/4 page: size 4.75” w x 6.125” h
1/2 page: size 9.75” w x 6.125” h
Full page: size 9.75” w x 12.5” h

Printing Specs: CYMK, 200 DPI, PDF

Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with customers and grow your business.
Contact us today to place your ad and take the first step towards success.

Additional information


HUB, HUB(x2), 1/16 page, 1/8 page, 1/4 page, 1/2 page, Full page