Guidelines for Advertising with us

When placing advertising with The Review, these tips will be helpful.

The Review Newspaper has been providing quality journalism to our engaged readership since 1893. As an independently owned and subscriber-based weekly tabloid publication with a page size of 11” x 13.5”, we take pride in our history and commitment.

It’s important to note that the publisher must approve all advertising. Additionally, if your ad is declined and you pre-paid, we will refund you in full. The deadline for advertising is Monday at noon, with Tuesdays as press days.

To advertise with us, here are our guidelines and election guidelines:

  • AD Content: The publisher must approve all advertising, and if your ad is declined and you pre-paid, we will refund you in full.
  • Print Schedule: Tuesdays are press days, and the deadline for advertising is Monday at noon. The Review is delivered digitally each week on Wednesdays and in print on the 2nd and 4th week of each month.
  • AD Design: We include the cost of designing your ad in the price of your placement for free. If you’re having your ad designed in-house and want to send it to us, we’ve provided a PDF with design guidelines for your graphic designer. In addition, we offer free ad design services. If you prefer to have your ad designed in-house, please refer to our design guidelines for your graphic designer, which includes AD Design Specs 2021.
  • For political campaigns and elections: We follow the standard rules of advertising set forth. To request a placement for Federal Elections, please check the Elections Canada website to verify the current rules before doing so.

We are committed to providing our advertisers with the best possible advertising experience. Contact us for more information about placing your ad and adhering to our guidelines for advertising with The Review.

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